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Monday, March 4, 2013

Atheistjustin Supports the School Play.

I haven't been to a school play since 8th grade, and that was only because I was in it. And even though it's extremely gay to be in a play, it gave me more confidence than the anal sex I get from the homeless Chinese men on the corners of Knob Hill. So anyway, I went to my High School's production of Anything Goes last Thursday, and like most things I do it turned into a fucking adventure.

Now, I've come to the point in my life where I now do shit solely so I can have something to blog about. And so, I went to this play. And since I had just been stalking Tyler the Creator, I felt like tweeting about my endeavor so that it may be forever saved online and so that I could REshow it onto this blog.

I will now put all my tweets in order so that you can understand my tale from start to finish, with a series of primary sources.


Atheistjustin supports theatre. 

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