Saturday, January 6, 2018

Atheistjustin is Going To Make A New Site... Again

Hello Assholes,

Well. You read it right. For those that have been a loyal friend and fan to me all these years on this website, I have decided that the hour cometh for me to develop a new site.

Here's the reason:

I'm old.

I'm old and I am going to try and turn 'professional.' That's right. A pro. A pro at talking about my penis and saying the word 'nipple' profusely.

You see, if the time comes that I do develop into something mediocre, seeing the ramblings of a 16-year old idiot is probably going to be a little off-putting. But then again, maybe not.

So, because of that 'maybe not' I am going to keep the site up. And who knows, maybe every once in a while I'll write a little something on here for the long-term fans or something. Or maybe just for myself.

I guess the real reason why I can't let this site go is because it has, in a weird way, been a part of my life for a long time. A pretty damn significant one.

Between having random sorority girls read it, to having my high school block it on their servers, to being my earliest form of public self expression, this little blog has made me into the odd fella that I am.

Not many 15 year olds where I'm from walked around saying they had their own blog- or website. Very few had any audacity to publish the things I did, openly, on the internet.

And hey, while I may not have become the most famous blogger on the history of the planet, I'm pretty proud to say that I amassed over 75,000 page views during my time on this site.

The majority of these views came during my high school daze, and with the ever-increasing amount of work and other things to do in college: homework, drinking, fraternity-ing, it only makes sense that the consistent page views began to dwindle.

But now, let's bring it to the future

I always wanted to have a site that could adequately show the link to my podcast, to my book, to any merchandise I wanted to make, etc.

Sadly, Blogger just doesn't have sites that look like that, and especially not ones that look like that on the mobile platform.

Wordpress, though, has some BAMF looking mobile sites. And with the majority of assholes spending their hours staring at their phone screens, it makes more sense to have an impressive MOBILE site, over the regular, computer one.

So, here we are. Saying Goodbye.

Weirdly, I feel nostalgic, reminiscent of my angsty 15-year old self who had the worst spring break of his life, and felt obliged to pour out his dissatisfaction onto the page of a website.

I'll see all you cunts on the new website and leave you, for a last time here, with a picture of a youthful Atheistjustin, still figuring out the ways of the world and himself, whilst wearing 2 beanies with his good pal, Asshole AKA Alcoholic Friend, one of the first ever readers of this horrid site.

And for the last time, nipples.

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